In-text citation
Example one:
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (2012:12) defines governance as ...
Governance is the way that a city, company, etc., is controlled by the people who run it (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary 2012:12)
Reference List entry
Governance’ 2012, in Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Springfield, Massachusetts, viewed 7 November 2016 <>.
In-text citation
Example one:
Meadows (2016:52) defines biodiversity as ...
Biodiversity is .... (Meadows 2016:52).
Reference List entry
Meadows, ME 2016, ‘Biodiversity’, in D Thomas, & G Andrew (eds.), The dictionary of physical geography, 4th edn, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, viewed 9 March 2018 <>.
With Author
In-text citation
The thalassemias are the commonest genetic disorders in humans (Weatherall 2005:105).
Weatherall (2005:105) states, ' thalassemias are the commonest disorders...
Reference list
Weatherall, D 2005, 'Thalassemia' in DN Cooper (ed.), in Encyclopaedia of the human genome, viewed 8 February 2017<
A major movement, first in painting and later in music ('Impressionism' 2008).
'Impressionism' (2008) is stated as a major movement first in painting...
Reference List
'Impressionism' 2008, In Philip's encyclopedia online, Philips, London, viewed 15 Feb 2018 <>.