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Harvard Referencing Guide: Journal articles

The purpose of this guide is to simplify SPU Harvard referencing style for the SPU community

Journal article:One author

In text citation

Example one:

According to Reed (1986:177),  macroeconomics is defined as…

Example two:

…included under the definition of macroeconomics (Reed, 1986:177).

Reference List entry

Rees, D. (1986). What trade-off between efficiency and equality? Economic Affairs, 7(1): 31–35.

Journal article:Two authors

In text citation

Example one:

Blocker and Wahl-Alexander (2018:57) states that…

Example two:

Information overload can have serious con­sequences (Blocker & Wahl-Alexander, 2018:56).

Reference List entry

Blocker, D. & Wahl-Alexander, Z. (2018). Using sport education in a university physical activity course. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(2): 56-61.

Journal article:Three authors

In text citation

Example one:

Wilmott, Fraser and Lammes (2018:90) report that

Example two:

…is the only way to achieve this result (Wilmott, Fraser & Lammes, 2018:90).

Reference List entry

Wilmott, C., Fraser, E. & Lammes, S. (2018). I am he. I am he. Siri rules: work and play with the Apple Watch. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(1): 78-95.


* After the first citation of a source with three or more authors, give the first author's surname followed by et al.

For example: ...(Niemand et al., 2002:15).