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Bachelor of Arts: Heritage Studies: Help?

Welcome to the library guide for Heritage Studies. This guide will introduce you to valuable information sources tailor made for the subject, services and facilities offered by the SPU library

Need help with?

How to renew library Material:

1. Online renewal

  • Login to you account on the Library Catalogue
  • Then click the "Items currently checked out" link,
  • Check the boxes for you want to renew, then click the Renew Selected button,
  • If your request is successful a new due date will appear in the "STATUS" column.  If not please contact the library immediately.

2. Telephonically

  • Calling the library's circulation desk at 053 491 0294

3. Email

  • and/or

External Membership

Category A _ CHELSA Agreement:

  • Student (Masters and Doctoral) and Staff members from another University-obtain a signed standardised Letter of Introduction from the Head of their Institution's Library and then will pay R100 for Access Card or

Category B _ External membership for members of the public and companies in need of LIS services:

  • Complete application form and submit it with Proof of Payments (R3500 Annually). 

Please note:

  • Library membership is subject to the approval by the Library Director,
  • The membership will be active for the year running from January to 01 December.  

Lost Student Card

Please report any misplaced or lost student card to Campus Control and the Library immediately. you will be held liable for any activity in your card if you delay to report the card as missing.

Need training?

Check the library's page for scheduled trainings or contact your relevant Information Librarian.

Information Librarians

Faculty of Humanities : Mr. Kagiso Ledwaba

Faculty of Applied and Natural Sciences : Ms. Mashia Shokane,

Faculty of Education : Ms. Sinah Molokisi,

Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences: Ms. Constance Ndumela.