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SPU Researcher Visibility Guide: Author Identifiers and Profiles

This guide is for Researchers, who wants to know more about the visibility of their research and how to improve impact.


ORCID is an abbreviation  which stands for Open Researcher and Contributer ID. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control as an individual, this ID distinguishes you from every other researcher and allows your correct research output to be associated with you. With an ORCID, you can connect your profile ID to many platforms such as different journal publishers websites for manuscript submissions, grant applications.

An ORCID iD allows you connect your profile will all your professional activities and affiliation. You can use your ORCID iD to share your information with other systems, ensuring you get recognition for all your contributions, saving you time and hassle, and reducing the risk of errors.

Register your ORCID ID on this link:

Google Scholar Profile

Google Scholar Profile

It is a well known tool that allows researchers to showcase their research output and also shows citations associated with these research outputs. The tool also calculates basic bibliometrics  such as H-Index and I10 index.


Scopus Author ID allows researchers to track all your publications that have been indexed in Scopus citation database and allows you to see a metrics report. The platform allows you to track and see other author's profiles and their publication.

Register your Scopus profile or Search for an author here: