In text citation
Example one:
According to Pickard (2017:17)...
Example two:
Educators are the key to the most cost-effective meaning of school improvement (Pickard, 2017:17).
Reference List entry
Pickard, A.J. (2017). Research methods in information. [EBSCOhost].
In text citation
Example one:
According to Onuka (2017:4)..
Example two:
Reference List entry:
Onuka, A.O.U. (2017). African higher education transformation for quality outcome: A Holistic Mechanism. In Sustainable Transformation in African Higher Education : Research, Governance, Gender, Funding, Teaching and Learning in the African University : 3-24. Edited by Maringe, F & Ojo, E. Available from:
In text citation
Example one:
Fegan and Durrani (2016:44)...
Example two:
In the protohistoric era, culture is written (Fegan & Durrani, 2016:44).
Reference List entry
Fagan, B. & Durrani, N. (2016). World prehistory: A brief introduction. Available from:
In text citation
Example one:
According to Erasmus, Rudansky-Kloppers and Strydom (2019:15)...
Example two:
…agree with this assessment (Erasmus, Rudansky-Kloppers & Strydom, 2019:15).
Reference List entry
Erasmus, B., Rudansky-Kloppers, S. & Strydom, J. (2019). Introduction to business management. [EBSCOhost].
* After the first citation of a source with three or more authors, give the first author's surname followed by et al.
For example: ...(Niemand et al., 2002:15).