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Faculty of NAS: Computer Science and Information Technology: Referencing

What is Referencing?

If you use someone else's work, you must acknowledge your original source or sources. Referencing means acknowledging your source:
• In the body of your work (in-text referencing or citation) AND
• Linking your citations to your list of works cited (also reference list or bibliography).

Proper references must be given and must be sited in text. Depending on the referencing style you use, you may use numbers (in text) and then list them in the order of appearance OR use surnames (in text) and list in alphabetical order.

Reference Management Tool: Mendeley

Harvard referencing style examples

Reference Management Tool: Zotero

SPU Referencing guide

This guide has different referencing styles that are used when writing an assignment or research paper.

It has examples In citations and referencing. SPU uses the Harvard referencing style but verifies with the department or lecture 


APA referencing style citation

Plagiarism and copyright

"the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." (Oxford language Dictionary, 2023)



IEEE Citation Style Tutorial